SPIRIT’s System
SPIRIT – Created for Use on PCs, Tablets & Hand-held devices
SPIRIT is a web-based Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) application that is loaded with technology for dispersing filtered approved information, education and referral resources to youth-serving professionals. SPIRIT:
- connects juvenile/family court administrators and judges, law enforcement and probation officers, social service case workers, school officials, and other public entities and related parties in a way that improves case processing and positive outcomes for youth, families and communities;
- provides real-time information about existing community services and resources;
- identifies effective interventions based on an individual’s age, gender, risk factors, interests, geographic location and other relevant criteria;
- connects youth to virtual treatment, language translations, calendar alerts and transportation services;
- delivers around-the-clock treatment, mentoring programs and positive feedback via PC and/or tablet or other hand held devices;
- offers service providers valuable tools and features for increased efficiency, accountability and visibility;
- meets the highest industry encryption standards to protect private information;
- allows agencies to individually set access parameters and levels for their system users; and provides the most up-to-date technology with ongoing upgrades and improvements, consistent with SPIRIT’s enhancement model.